Tuesday, 2 May 2017

The correct diplomatic response to this demand would be "Verpiss dich!" in German and, in French, "Va te faire foutre!"

And, for the benefit of Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourgish translation would be...
... Fakten ugefaangen!

And in case anyone meets Juncker - and he's sober enough to take it in - please let him know that the majority of people over here in Blighty think he's an absolute Wixbiicht, as well as an Aaschlach - which, come to think of it, is where he can stick his bill.


  1. Felicitations, mes amis de blog. Oui! Ces't vrai. Je suis revenue! Quelle jour merveilleux pour nous Francais bien sur! Emmanuel l'a dit, lui-meme, avec précision (mais d'une maniere ennuyeuse). Nous avons tourné une page profonde et historique en ce qui concerne l'histoire de la Republique. Et cela doit ouvrir la porte aux gens patriotiques, peut etre un homme qui est economiste avec un intelligence fulminante et un bon appetit pour la noirceur excitante de l'âme humaine.

    Ce Macron? Il est jeune homme qui est inéxperimenté, sauve qu'il avait s'enfuit à dix huit ans avec une milf très chaud ooh la la. Oui bien sur, pour moi la différence d'âge n'importe rien, c'est vrai. Mais ce Macron, il l'a calculé absolument d'envers, cet imbecile a tete de veau! Un vrai mec a une grande préférence pour les jeunes.. comme on dit en Anglais "saucy minxes".

    Maintenant, au nom du gouvernement de mon nouveau meilleur ami Emmanuel, je me tiens pret de retourner aux affaires politiques et scandaleuses, car c'est la seule voie possible. Vive le comportement honteux! Vive la France!

  2. Welcome back, the raffish DSK. In spite of my very limited French I really enjoyed your comments and hope you find your way back to political life. "Une milf très chaud" is a wonderful expression and "ennuyeux" a very apt description of Macron. Another boring functionary is all France needs at the helm.

    I was reminded that the other famous commenter who writes to this blog, Benjamin Zephyr Zodiac. failed to produce a verse or two to mark the passing of Darcus Howe. Perhaps he is keeping his powder dry to celebrate the termination of the career of Diane Abbott? Let us hope.

  3. I think, D. S-K., that Madame M probably qualifies as a GILF - and, pretty soon, as a GGILF, si vous obtenez mon sens, you vieux chèvre excité (trs. "distinguished former international politician with an utterly unblemished reputation").

    As Monsieur Macron evidently intends to give one saucy little British minx a stiff lesson, a good hard pounding, and a damned good seeing-to, perhaps - as an acknowledged expert in these areas - you could offer to lend him your support (you presumably have to wear one these days).

    Speaking of long felt wants, I concur with SDG regarding the sadly prolonged absence of the People's Poet, BZZ, from this blog. Perhaps the wave of unspeakable terror, hardship and suffering that will surely be visited upon the millions of downtrodden victims of the Conservative slave state by a Tory election victory will be enough to coax the world's leading poet out of retirement? Cometh the hour, cometh the man. (Put them back on, D. S-K. - I didn't mean you. Sacré bleu!)

  4. Tonight on the Select movie channel Gérard Depardieu[the Gallic Schnozzle Durante] portrays DSK in a film titled "Welcome to New York" [2340]. In the same year [2014] he also appeared as Jules Rimet in "United Passions" which is a biopic of Sepp Blatter [Tim Roth]. Gérard gets all the great parts.
