...by making his party equally unpopular amongst all classes!
This YouGov graphic is one of the most heartening......I've seen in recent months. Picking two clueless North London leaders in a row who both evinced no understanding whatsoever of traditional working-class Labour voters, preferring to seek the approval of - in Ed Miliband's case - the approval of the BBC/Guardian/Islington chatterati, and - in Corbyn's case - of an unlovely conglomeration of fascistic identity-politics anarchist thugs, goofy snowflake students, and old hard-left fruitloops. The policies Steptoe has farted out so far - e.g. free school meals and four pointless extra bank holidays a year - are what clueless metropolitan lefties of his stripe imagine will have the millions of industrial workers who they evidently believe still inhabit the North of England lining up outside their two-up, two-down rented terraced houses with their flat-caps on, their whippets at their side and a racing pigeon perched on each shoulder, cheering their hearts out and sobbing with gratitude as that nice old chap from London cycles down their humble little street on his way to a rally at the local mosque. As Martin Durkin pointed out in the James Delingpole podcast I featured in an earlier post, people like Corbyn need to justify their existence (and to earn a living) by "championing" a dependent class whose members are unable to fend for themselves. But I think we may be past the point where the working classes need to be given more holidays in order, as Corbyn suggested, to spend more time with their families: on my planet, it's up to the individual members of each family how much time they wish to spend with the rest of the family, and it's up to each individual taxpayer how the hell he or she spends any extra leisure time that comes their way. Why does this old booby think he has the right to dictate what people do on their days off? And who does he think is going to pay for these days off? The magic money-tree, as always?
The only substantial difference between ABC1 and C2DE voters in the above graphic seems to be that working-class ones are more willing to vote UKIP than Lib-Dem - and that hardly comes as a surprise. As for Labour support, it seems that the working classes are no more impressed by Corbyn's utopian drivel than those higher up the socio-economic scale - they know an idiot when they see one, and they're the ones who generally have to live with the results of hopelessly utopian policies, especially when it comes to the health service, education, law and order, and the welfare system.
I know I've written about it twice in the past, but Ian Leslie's splendid article, "Jeremy Corbyn and the nirvana fallacy", from the New Statesman, September 2015, has never seemed more relevant than during this election. In brief, while real-world politicians are invariably faced with choosing between a number of imperfect alternatives - just as we all are in our daily lives - superannuated student lefties like Corbyn seem to inhabit a weird, solipsistic universe in which there's always a perfect, morally good, fair, just and equable solution to every problem. For instance:
Should Britain help the Americans bomb the Assad regime in Syria? No, because there needs to be a political solution in Syria. But there isn't going to be one - so please answer the question. There needs to be a political....zzzzzzz.
Nirvana fallacy answers are practically all we ever get from Corbyn and his ilk. Which is why - no matter what the deficiencies of the current Conservative government (and they are legion) - voting Labour isn't really an option for grown-ups.
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