Monday, 7 August 2017

I probably need to do more exercise - this looks like a pretty decent work-out...


  1. I plan to start tomorrow.

  2. Uplifting. In the spirit of The Darwin Awards, however, I might have more enjoyed seeing the failed attempts en route.

    1. I recommend you subscribe to the Only in Russia Twitter feed, which seems to consist almost entirely of people evidently determined to kill themselves by doing very, very dangerous things after one or two shandies.

  3. Nice tip, Scott, thanks. Curiously I found my self rather moved by the touching enthusiasm of some of the participants. Untermensch they may have been and under the influence of shandy, but they had a certain noble stupidity. Maybe I need to get out more.

    1. I have this sadistic dream in which thousands of British Health and Safety inspectors are forced to wear that contraption used on Alex in A Clockwork Orange - you know, the one that prevented him shutting his eyes - and forced to watch an endless series of Only in Russia video clips. (Yes, I probably should seek help.)
