A Scotswoman, a Welsh woman and an Australian woman walk into a bar and order a bottle of champagne...
When the barman tells them that'll be £35, the three of them point at him and scream "Tory scum!"
They have a lot in common, the leaders of the SNP, the Green Party and Plaid Cymru - they're all women (even I spotted that), they hate Tories, they hate England (the Greens hate every economically developed country), they hate the (private sector) rich, and their wee faces wrinkle in puzzlement when they hear the phrase "living within one's means" - because, of course, right-wing English bastards will foot any bill the Three Graces might run up in pursuit of their warped, malevolent, ruinous vision of "social justice".
Thunder and lightning. Enter three WitchesFirst WitchWhen shall we three meet againSecond Witch
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?When the hurlyburly's done,Third Witch
When the battle's lost and won.That will be ere the set of sun.First WitchWhere the place?Second WitchUpon the heath.Third WitchThere to meet with Macbeth.First WitchI come, Graymalkin!Second WitchPaddock calls.Third WitchAnon.ALLFair is foul, and foul is fair:
Hover through the fog and filthy air.
Exeunt, indeed - please!
It was the audience that startled me. When wee Nicola Sturgeon suggested she and Ed join forces to oust the Tories I thought the roof was going to come off. There was rapturous applause, whooping and foot stomping. You would have thought from their response that Dave Cameron was a latter day Lenin.
ReplyDeleteNo, come to think of it they'd have approved of him...
The audience at the SNP manifesto launch this morning sounded like they were about to burst into the Horst-Wessel-Lied at any moment. As good lefties, I'm sure they spend most of their time calling everyone else fascists, but, you know, motes and beams!
Delete"For who can denie but it repugneth to nature, that the blind shal be appointed to leade and conduct such as do see? That the weake, the sicke, and impotent persones shall norishe and kepe the hole and strong, and finallie, that the foolishe, madde and phrenetike shal gouerne the discrete, and giue counsel to such as be sober of mind? And such be al women, compared vnto man in bearing of authoritie. For their sight in ciuile regiment, is but blindnes: their strength, weaknes: their counsel, foolishenes: and judgement, phrenesie, if it be rightlie considered."
ReplyDeleteThe First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstruous Regiment of Women. John Knox [1558] anticipating the success of his countrywoman, Ms Sturgeon.
I think you'll find that Police Scotland are red hot on this sort of thing these days - most of their budget seems to go on chasing politically incorrect social media commenters. I'd keep your head down for a few days, and, whatever you do, don't answer the door!