Tuesday, 29 January 2013

A member of our book group is being forced out of West London by Islamification

There’s an article in the Telegraph this morning  entitled "I feel a stranger where I live" (available here) written by Jane Kelly who attends our church and is a particularly feisty member of our monthly book group. Sadly, she has decided to sell her flat in Acton and move out of London because of the Islamification of her community by Muslim immigrants:

I was brought up in a village in Staffordshire, and although I have been in London for a quarter of a century I have kept the habit of chatting to shopkeepers and neighbours, despite it not being the done thing in metropolitan life. Nowadays, though, most of the tills in my local shops are manned by young Muslim men who mutter into their mobiles as they are serving. They have no interest in talking to me and rarely meet my gaze. I find this situation dismal. I miss banter, the hail fellow, well met chat about the weather, or what was on TV last night. 
Ms Kelly’s feelings of alienation have been compounded by the attempt to impose Islamic behavioural norms in her area – the woman in her pharmacy urges her to fully cover her body when swimming (“it’s much healthier”, apparently). A local food store displays a sign informing customers “No alcohol allowed on the streets near this shop”, which is (a) a lie, and (b) none of their bloody business, thank you very much. Just imagine the explosion of liberal indignation that would result if fundamentalist Christians were to behave in a similarly crass, impertinent manner.

Scarily, Jane Kelly’s flat is only five or six minutes on foot from Grønmark Towers, but, while we’re unnervingly close to the front line, she might as well be an hour’s walk away. Property here is a lot more expensive than it is in her part of Acton (as she points out), and – perhaps because of that - our local population is still overwhelmingly comprised of white Britons. There’s been a small influx of Poles in recent years (you can only tell because they tend to put up strange fences and erect weird concrete sheds in their gardens), but remarkably few Asians or blacks (apart from Somali women taking their kids to the local state primary school from the nearby council estate). Whatever the nationality of those who run our local shops, they essentially cater for middle-class Brits. And because we have a Buddhist Vihara nearby, we see more skinny chaps in saffron-coloured robes than fat women doing Darth Vader impressions.

Our main hope that any attempt by immigrant groups to impose their culture on the rest of us will be scuppered is that a lot of gays live hereabouts, who, I suspect, would be the first to volunteer for the barricades rather than submit to being verbally abused by self-styled “Muslim patrols”, as apparently happens in Whitechapel. (If you want your area to remain quiet, respectable,  and expensive while retaining its community spirit, pray for lots of middle-aged gay couples to move in: they do their houses up a treat, appear to have lots of disposable income – no school fees – and are jolly friendly.)

It’s a real shame that Jane Kelly can’t afford a move to Chiswick. She’s an accomplished  freelance journalist (and consulting editor of the Salisbury Review), politically conservative (although independent-minded), and a regular church-goer. The more like her, the better. But the real shame, as she points out, is that she’s moving for a negative reason:
I, too, have decided to leave my area, following in the footsteps of so many of my neighbours. I don’t really want to go. I worked long and hard to get to London, to find a good job and buy a home and I’d like to stay here. But I’m a stranger on these streets and all the “good” areas, with safe streets, nice housing and pleasant cafés, are beyond my reach. I see London turning into a place almost exclusively for poor immigrants and the very rich. 
It’s sad that I am moving not for a positive reason, but to escape something. I wonder whether I’ll tell the truth, if I’m asked. I can’t pretend that I’m worried about local schools, so perhaps I’ll say it’s for the chance of a conversation over the garden fence. But really I no longer need an excuse: mass immigration is making reluctant racists of us all.
It’s strange to hear that Britain is sending troops to Mali to stop Islamofascism being imposed on those who don’t want it, while those who don’t want it in West London are being left to fend for themselves.

The members of our liberal politico-media elite, who are, of course, responsible for this depressing state of affairs, should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves - but they don't do shame. Instead, they'll be busy patting themselves on the back for being so wonderfully inclusive and compassionate and morally superior. As usual, they're not the ones having to pay the bill for their own largesse.


  1. Confused Pensioner31 January 2013 at 16:45

    This is a sad and frustrating post. The Caliphate in the United Kingdom is obviously being established at a faster rate than originally anticipated. I very much sympathise with Jane Kelly [excellent article].

    And at the beginning of 2014 the flood-gates will be opened for the Roumanians and Bulgarians [followed soon afterwards by the Albanians] although I gather they have all sent in forward units to stake out territory and areas of activity before the main bodies arrive. Apparantly they are already haggling over who acquires the pick-pocket and child-prostitution franchises, for example. These people have developed criminal services of such sophistication and complexity that makes our own financial services industry green with envy. I wonder if UKBA is on top of all this?

    Anyway, as long as they do not move into the care home business. I do not want to spend part of my remaining old age being slapped about the face by an Albanian.

    In the meantime, our whey-faced leader is grandstanding in Tripoli and has promised the Libyans financial assistance to build up their police service [presumably to safe-guard British travellers to Benghazi?]. Soon after his offer it was announced that the number of front-line police officers in the UK had contracted by 4,000 during 2012.

  2. Nice to see that Jane Kelly's article has made a bit of a splash - lots of references to it in the media.

    If there were three "European" countries you wouldn't want sending you lots of immigrants, you've named them. Why would any country in its right mind allow these people in??? (Liberal friends who live in Italy assured me that the Albanians who swarmed into that country were "ungrateful, criminal scum". Obviously a vile and unwarranted slur on a great people (and possibly a hate crme), but nevertheless...

    I believe that Albanians now occupy the place in London's criminal community once occupied by the Maltese. I'm not sure this is what we were told would happen when we voted on joining the EEC forty years ago.

    Don't start me on Cameron - what a useless, flabby-faced, balding pillock. What right does he have strutting across the world stage deploying British troops while he continues to slash defence spending? Talk about cognitive bleeding dissonance.
