Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Driving Us Mad - Labour want to lower the drink-drive limit yer further

Drivers who cause death while drunk or drugged should go to prison. But a Labour-commissioned report which recommends lowering the drink-driving limit yet further on the grounds that it might save a whopping 168 lives a year is ridiculous, and should be ignored. It won’t, of course,  prevent a single death: what it will do is curtail the social life of country folk who won’t even be able to enjoy even a single pint of bitter before driving home at night. 

The Transport Secretary - whoever he or she may be -  is currently studying the report (produced, inevitably, by an academic legal “expert” - God save us from obsessive, busybody “experts”). If the minister opts for new, tougher measures, we will know for sure that a change of government has changed nothing – pettifogging, killjoy nanny-statism will continue to stalk the land, the criminal justice system will be given yet more powers to persecute the law-abiding middle classes, and the wholly urban political class will once more have demonstrated its casual contempt for non-urbanites. For God’s sake, deal with genuine criminals and leave the rest of us alone!

If you want to ensure that nobody dies on our roads - ban cars!

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