Monday 14 September 2015

Disagree with lefty BBC presenters over the refugee crisis and get treated with contempt by the people whose salaries you pay

Even by the normal standards of self-important, self-satisfied, arrogant, insensitive, insufferable left-wing pillockry, Stephen Nolan is a doozy. The callers whom he, by turns, patronised, snarled at, emotionally blackmailed, insulted and then haughtily dismissed, are (1) BBC LICENCE-FEE PAYERS and (2) REPRESENT THE MAJORITY OF BRITISH PUBLIC OPINION.

Why hasn't be been suspended - or, preferably, sacked - for his outrageously intemperate treatment of callers who were making extremely sensible points, which he chose not to address (because, presumably, they're unanswerable)? Does being a BBC radio phone-in host mean never having to say you're sorry? Why hasn't he been sent on a course on how to treat the public who pay his no-doubt enormous salary with at least a modicum of respect? In addition, courses on anger management and basic logic might help (though, given he sounds like a humungously obnoxious, self-righteous, posturing ninny, he's probably beyond help).

I expect the Labour Party will soon be looking for a new set of press officers: I sense that Nolan, with his hysterical, nonsensical, illogical, emotion-driven approach to the major issues of the day, would fit in really well with Labour's new leadership. He certainly looks sufficiently thuggish to fit the bill. 

I have regularly encountered the terms "cockwomble" and "jizzturtle" on social media in recent weeks. I have no idea what they mean, but I suspect they would fit Stephen "Nasty Haemophiliac Lefty" Nolan to a T. 

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