Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Can you spot what's missing in this BBC News report on the government takeover of Rotherham's LABOUR council?

The BBC story, "Government in Rotherham Council takeover after abuse inquiry", can be found here. If you don't have time to read it, what's missing is the admittedly minor detail that this is a LABOUR council. True, the word Labour does appear very near the end, in the phrase "Labour group", buried in a quotation from a councillor accusing the former LABOUR leader of the LABOUR council of being a bully. 

Let's put this in context. At least 1400 underage girls - almost all white - were sexually abused by Pakistani rape gangs because the town's Labour council and its abject police force turned a politically correct blind eye to what was happening under their noses: in effect, politicians and the police failed children they were supposed to be protecting for fear of being called racist. The multicultural policies of successive LABOUR governments and a LABOUR council - and the disgusting moral cowardice of the police and the vile attitude of a large number of Pakistani men towards females - allowed evil to rage unchecked.

And now a Conservative minister has been forced to step in to take over the running of the council because of it's "complete denial" of what was happening on its watch. It's really not hard to imagine how differently the BBC would have presented this story if the council had been Conservative and the intervening secretary of state had been a Labour politician.

Still, there's a general election due in May, and the BBC wouldn't want to do anything to spoil the chances of the lovely, cuddly, anti-racist party it so desperately wants to win.   

There was utter outrage from Labour supporters when UKIP ran this poster last October during the campaign to elect a new South Yorkshire police commissioner. (The previous LABOUR incumbent had been in charge of Rotherham children's services between 2005 and 2010 when much of the child abuse was taking place and had only resigned as police commissioner following weeks of public outrage at his determination to continue in the role.) The poster struck me as fair and accurate:

Labourites seemed to be considerably more outraged by this poster than they were by the rape of 1400 young girls - so much so that they actually voted for the Labour candidate in the police commissioner election!

Here's an extract from Louise Casey's report:

One of the most depressing aspects of the report is that, despite it, the voters of Rotherham will vote Labour again at the next election, because, you see, they always do, thus once more demonstrating the accuracy of the old Yorkshire adage that there's nowt so rum (or, in this case, thick and biased) as folk. Or maybe they just thought those girls were asking for it.

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