Wednesday 12 September 2012

"Double Self-Portrait" by Alex Grønmark - I know I'm biased, but I reckon it's pretty bloody good!

My son, who's off to university in a couple of days, went back to his school today to retrieve his A-level artwork, only to find these two versions of himself hanging in pride of place in the Arts Building stairwell. The painting - in which he's wearing the jacket of his grandfather's Royal Norwegian Air Force uniform - was done for the A2 exam, in which he achieved top joint marks in his school (something which would have seemed highly unlikely a year ago).

Alex resisted using oils until half-way through his final year, and then took to the medium like the proverbial duck to water.

We've asked him if we can hang the portrait here in the family home when he finally gets it back (it's currently in for a school prize) and he has reluctantly agreed.

Anyway, as we prepare to wave him goodbye, we'd just like to say, "Well done, son!" and I would like to apologise for advising him not to do art - luckily, he took no notice of me.


  1. This is most impressive. Please pass on my best wishes to Alex.

  2. Alex, I am hereby commissioning a painting of your father in reflective mode, perhaps with finger poised over the first key, chin on hand, as he contemplates a Government-toppling post. Or maybe one at workat the Tele with top band The Fulminators, whose absence from this Blog is greatly regretted by musos the world over. I'm prepared to pay.

    1. Alex has appointed me as his business agent. £10,000 is the price. My cut is 15% + artist's model fees of £8,500. Take it or leave it, buddy - the phone is ringing!

  3. Good luck to Alex at university.Although an ability to paint may not make a difference in the final degree awarded,that is unless the course has radically shifted away from history and theory which I doubt,his obvious talent could well give him the extra edge of the insider's knowledge.

  4. Thanks very much on Junior's behalf. There is no practical art element to his course, but, as you suggest, I'm sure being able to create art must be helpful in figuring out how other's did it.
