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His heart aches! |
When it was pointed out to Tutu that an international boycott of South Africa in the ‘70s would hit poor blacks the hardest, he said that was okay by him, because they would be “suffering with a purpose”. But he opposed the embargo on Saddam’s Iraq back in 2000 because of the suffering it would cause. Why isn’t it right to ask poor Arabs to suffer in order to get rid of brutal, murderous, sectarian regimes, but perfectly okay for black Africans to do so? Go figure!
Of course, Israel’s a different kettle of fish altogether. Tutu has always been a rabid supporter of disinvestment in the Jewish state because, according to him, its treatment of Palestinians is on a par with Nazi Germany’s persecution of the Jews. Of course, he doesn’t applaud the fact that one of the lessons Jews have learned from the Holocaust is that, when bigoted enemies are doing their best to destroy you, you take steps to protect yourself. No, the lesson Jews need to learn is “forgiveness”, as he told those gathered for an address at Israel’s Yad Vashem museum in 1989 (his speech went down about as well as you’d expect).
Our Man of God followed up that deliberate insult in 2002 with the following attack on Israeli Jews for their treatment of a community which is determined to destroy them: “My heart aches. I say why are our memories so short. Have our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation? Have they forgotten the collective punishment, the home demolitions, in their own history so soon? Have they turned their backs on their profound and noble religious traditions? Have they forgotten that God cares deeply about the downtrodden?”
No, Des, they certainly haven’t forgotten any of that, which is why they’re determined not to let another bunch of murderous fascists try to wipe them out.
In 2008 Tutu called the Gaza blockade “an abomination” and likened Israel’s behaviour to that of the military junta in Burma.
Now, the creepy little cleric has called for Tony Blair and George Bush to be tried for war crimes. This, of course, from the man who took the opportunity provided by Osama Bin Laden’s death to remind us not to forget that the murdering psychopathic sonofabitch was “ a child of God”. Yeah, okay, Toots – we’ll try our best.
As a matter of fact, Des is generally jolly compassionate on the subject of Islamofascist death cultists: “When we looked at the terrorists we did not see ourselves, we did not consider how our actions and posturing in the world may have contributed to the crime. No. We saw ‘others,’ and we demonized them.”
See what he did there? We made the terrorists do it! Yup, it’s really your fault and mine for “posturing” and not actually their fault for being evil, conscienceless, hate-filled, blood-thirsty maniacs! Classic lefty ploy – sounds like it makes sense, but, of course, it’s morally-deranged bollocks. Brilliant!
So, the Jews should forgive the Nazis – but little Des has no intention of “forgiving” Blair and Bush, whom he wants to see put on trial for war crimes (not, of course, that it’s any of the arrogant blister’s business in the first place).
Of course, like most internationalist lefties, Tutu prefers tyrannies to democracies – give him scumbag kleptocrat despots who enjoy torturing and slaughtering their own people rather than democratically-elected leaders of capitalist countries any day!
The other area where Des proves himself to be aligned with the most malevolent strain of modern socialistic thinking is his blindness to the appalling slaughter of Christians by Muslims in the Middle East. By way of contrast, when it comes to the supposedly unfair treatment of Muslims by Western countries, he gets jolly annoyed (I expect his heart aches). Guantanamo? Close it down! Attempts by American states to staunch the flood of illegal immigrants? Boo! Efforts by Western countries to stop an influx of Islamist terrorists? Shame!
Tutu once described increased security procedures in free countries as “a computer-age equivalent of the Nazis daubing yellow Stars of David on the doors of Jewish homes.” Interestingly, he only seems to see the suffering of German Jews under a totalitarian regime as an excuse to attack those of us living in modern democracies – including a vast majority of the world’s Jews - who, understandably, I think, want to protect ourselves from the fanatical followers of another barbaric totalitarian philosophy. Decidedly rum!
In case I haven’t managed to convince the doubters among you, consider the following facts:
Tutu coined the term “Rainbow Nation” for post-apartheid South Africa (surely an indictable offence in its own right).
He often refers to himself in the third-person (always a worrying sign).
He believes in the religious doctrine of Climate Change.
He believes that AIDS is the fault of everyone but those who indulge in unprotected anal sex.
He has called on Al Gore to make a documentary about world hunger.
He is a member of The Elders, a self-elected group of left-wing busybodies which also includes Jimmy Carter and the wife of Mozambique’s late Marxist dictator, Samora Machel.
I rest my case.
If Des believes that "AIDS is the fault of everyone but those who indulge in unprotected anal sex,"then he is even more self-delusional than usual.
ReplyDeleteSurely he must be aware that the vast majority of HIV/AIDS cases in Africa are through heterosexual transmission.
TUEBINGEN, June 16, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A study by researchers at the University of Tuebingen in Germany has found that anal sex, both homosexual and heterosexual, is the second largest cause of HIV transmission in Africa. Transmission in medical settings, such as through dirty needles, is listed as the primary cause, says the study published in the current edition of The Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Aids. In a finding which has HIV/AIDS activists on edge, the researchers, say vaginal transmission of HIV is a very distant third compared to medical transmission and transmission through anal sex. The report’s author Dr. Stuart Brody, of the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology, said people in Africa need to be told that anal sex poses a greater risk of transmitting the Aids virus.
DeleteIs it my imagination or are Anglican clerics becoming increasingly gobby these days? Anyway, I don't care as I am a Rev. Duchemin man myself. Anyone capable of whipping off his his fully-clothed wife's bra without disturbing her dress has obviously mastered the art of legerdemain.Roll on ep 3 of "Parade's End".
ReplyDeleteI have encountered this unprepossessing little creep twice in the flesh; once, coming out of the "Vier Jahreszeiten" in Hamburg and then coming out of the "Hotel im Palais Schwarzenberger" in Vienna, preceeded by his girly giggle.Not a disciple of the hair-shirt or a flagellant, our Des. He was whisked away in very large limos [never in evidence when appearing in Soweto].
In the last ep of the "Sopranos" Phil bitterly recounted how US Immigration had deliberately changed his name from Leopardi to Leotardi and the humiliation of having a family name synonemous with a female undergarment. Well, it's a whole lot better than being called a "ballet skirt", Phil.