Sunday 16 September 2012

Best of luck at university, son

Well, okay, my son's departure for college wasn't exactly like the one depicted by Normal Rockwell. In fact, I drove him down to Sussex rather than having to wait for a train. We have a cat rather than a dog (unfortunately). But I did feel as knackered and world-weary as the farmer dad in the painting by the end of process, and my son was evidently dying to get rid of me so he could start the next phase of his life - which is exactly as it should be.

Like all parents, I harbour an image of Junior at university something along the lines of Normal Rockwell's Willie Gillis character:

Except that the fruit of my loins has no interest in golf, doesn't (as far as I know) smoke a pipe, doesn't overlook a neo-classical bell-tower (though he can see rolling green fields with cows in them from his monk's cell, if he cranes his neck) and he looks closer to 18 than 45. (Young people used to look very old - maybe it was the clothes and the hair-styles.)

Mind you, he and Willie do seem to share a penchant for snazzy socks.

The only part of my life I look back at with a feeling of vague regret is university: I sort of passed through without really touching the sides. I suspect my son will make better use of his time at college than I did. Fingers crossed.

Final thought - why doesn't there appear to be a single decent song about college/university?

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