Saturday 8 September 2012

After 92-year old Earl Jones was burgled three times in a month, he decided enough was enough

If it had happened here, Mr Jones would no doubt be in custody and the CPS would be recommending a hefty jail term.

You can read the whole heartening story here.

Yesterday, a British judge, Peter Bowers, declined to send a 26-year old scumbag who had burgled three homes in five days to jail, preferring one of those pantywaist pretend punishments: 12-month suspended sentence, supervision order and 200 hours of unpaid work - that kind of bollocks. For good measure, the judge had this to say: “It takes a huge amount of courage for somebody to burgle somebody’s house. I wouldn’t have the nerve.”

Seems they feel differently about these things in Kentucky.

1 comment:

  1. Priceless. Somewhere there is a You Tube clip showing three young thugs bursting into a bank in America brandishing knives and baseball bats and then a very elderley gentlemen in a baseball cap [nice parallel] appears from the back clutching a large automatic and starts blazing away at them. The thugs flee in terror with the old guy in pursuit and you can hear him emptying his clip off-camera.I suspect he was also ex-military. I wish I could locate the clip. Judge Bowers would have locked up the old man for life and confiscated his savings.
