Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Old blokes and their hair: please - no perm, no dye, no ponytail, and keep it short

Although I'll be sixty this year and my hair is going grey and receding at the front, I do solemnly swear that I will never get an ultra-perm, dye it jet black or (worse) fox red, wear it longer than it is right now, comb it forwards or sideways to hide a bald patch, or gather it into a ponytail. I realise that I have no valuable visual brand or image to exploit - but even if I did I hope I would still have the sense not to make myself look like even more of a CAUC than nature intended.


  1. Your picture of Phil Spector made me burst out laughing. Thank you.

  2. Apt comments on tonsorial self-awareness from the Blogmaster but Pop Fan has spotted a distinction with a difference. It's one thing to dye, fluff up or rearrange your barnet to try to stave off the ravages of age and end up looking like a prat. It's quite another thing to go out and spend a fortune on a syrup for the same purpose and end up looking an even bigger one. I wonder whether the Wall of Sound man's choice of Irish might have swayed the jury. As if this were not complex enough, why did Brian May think it a good idea to fashion his own real hair into a pale imitation of the Spector Murder Trial Day Three Crown Topper?

    What a tangled web indeed.

    1. I'm pretty sure Phil Spector was actually convicted of being in possession of an offensive hair-do rather than homicide.
