Thursday 7 January 2010

"Pass the sick-bag, Alice" - with apologies to Sir John Junor

I arrived at my local library today  just after 2.45 to discover the staff shutting up shop and sneaking off early. If asked why, they’d no doubt have come up with some sob story about how all the  ice would make it difficult to get home.

I wonder what the difference is between this publicly-funded organization in a Labour-controlled borough and all the private businesses and shops which were still open when I walked down the local High Street an hour later. It couldn’t be anything to do with the fact that, being public sector workers, the librarians are practically unsackable, could it? Or that, as they’re controlled by a Labour Council, no one will ever ask these feather-bedded skivers to account for their actions?

Pass the sick-bag, Alice!

So Jonathan Ross has decided to hand in his BBC pass. Which just goes to prove that, although public opinion is a slow-acting wart-remover, it gets the job done in the end. We’re always being told these BBC “stars” have to be paid a fortune or they’ll skedaddle off to the private sector for even more loot. Well, Wossy now has a chance to test that particular theory.

What do you reckon? Any chance that ITV, Channel 4, Five or Sky will be rushing to throw six million smackers a year at this foul-mouthed smut-peddler? 

Thought not. 

Mind you, given the amount of dosh this sharp operator has managed to skim from our license fees, he can probably afford to set up his own TV channel – and there’ll probably be enough change to hire fellow filth-merchant, Russell Brand. Maybe they could reunite to shout obscenities at some other blameless pensioner.

Gang awa’, Wossy. As far awa’ as possible!

So a bunch of Muslims on trial for allegedly shouting insults at the 2nd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment as it marched through Luton (they’re reported to have called the soldiers “rapists”, “terrorists”, “murderers” and “baby killers”) refused to stand for the District Judging hearing their case (one Carolyn Mellanby). She has decided to allow the defendants to enter the court after she is seated, so they won’t have to stand. If they demanded she wore a burka, she’d probably do it.

Ah, the majesty of the law. 

Doesn’t this sort of craven, multi-culti inclusiveness make you proud to be British? Me, neither!

There was a special about The Great Freeze on BBC One last night. Snow in January. Yes, I know – astonishing! But what’s really worrying me – apart from breaking a leg on the ice-rink pavements around here – is how the Met Office is going to react. I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if the silly sods didn’t hold a press conference to announce both their prediction that we’re entering a new Ice Age and their recommendation that we immediately spend trillions to stop us all freezing to death. Next will come warnings that we need to cull the polar bear population before they head south and begin culling us! 

Given the Met’s lamentable inability to predict the weather, a volte-face by them on Global Warming might just convince me to take the theory seriously!

Meanwhile, I recommend that Climate Change deniers challenge all the po-faced doomsayers to one gigantic snowball fight in Auchtermuchty. 

Might as well have some fun as we hurtle towards oblivion! 

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